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Sunday, February 24, 2008


Lord, let me be a living, willing sacrifice. You desire all, all is what i want to give You.

You gave, You gave Your life away
You gave, You gave Your life away for me
Your grace has broken every chain,
My sins are gone, my debt's been paid
You gave, You gave Your life away for me
For me

Lord, i know You said to trust You. Even in darkness, even in uncertainty, even when it is quiet, even when its hard. Even when i don't know what tomorrow will bring. I will trust You.

You are my Lord, my God, my Creator, my Father, my Saviour, my Redeemer and my Love. I will trust You; i will trust Your unfailing love for me. Perfect love that drives out fear.

But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever,
the purposes of His heart through all generations.
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,
even as we put our hope in You.
-Psalm 32:11,22


One night a man had a dream.

He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.

Scenes from his life flashed across the sky
and he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life had flashed before him,
he recalled that at the lowest and saddest times of his life
there was only one set of footprints.

Dismayed, he asked, "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
I don't understand why, when I needed you most,
you would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious child.
I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering
when you saw only one set of footprints...

That was when I carried you."

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