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Sunday, October 12, 2008


its 12.48 a.m. I am sooooo tired and I smell like cookie dough.

and I'm so very happy. Because everything turned out so well. Thank you all who helped out!

Finally, it's here :

fundRAISEr for Hanging On To Love.
and if you're reading this and can make it :
@ppbc, 11 p.m., tomorrow (sunday)
there will be :
books, pies, jackepotatos, massage, cupcakes, scones n muffins, custom made 'HangingOnToLove' cookies, nasi lemak, one (1) absolutely brandnew handbag and one (1) cd for sale.

:) Come!


Anonymous said...

why randomly got some brand new handbag one??


Yvonne Lim said...

Hahahha..dunno, someone donated. We wanted to give it to Unc. Segaran as a prize for being our first customer. but he didn't want it.