The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace.

Malaysia, tanah airku.
A land overflowing with milk and honey. A land the LORD blesses with racial tolerance, unity and harmony. A land prosperous and filled with good things. A land where justice and integrity always prevails.
A nation whose God is the LORD. Blessed is that nation, and all its rakyat the LORD chose for His inheritance.
The Church is the lighthouse in Malaysia. The Church is the body of Christ, and Christ is the head, the Master of everything. The Church shines the light of life in the nation; as a city on top of a hill, it cannot be hidden - that all may praise the Father in heaven. The Church stands united as the nation's standard.
Blessed are you, Malaysia, because the banner of Jesus is over you. His banner of love is your restoration, your salvation.
You're seated on the highest throne
You're lifted up above all things
Exalted and adored
I worship You in awe
Be glorified and magnified!
The Name of Jesus stands alone, worthy of all praise.
King of kings
Lord of lords
Prince of peace
There is no other name, no other ruler in this land, other than JESUS